Blood Sugar Control / Type 2 Diabetes

Blood Sugar Control / Type 2 Diabetes

A larger than ever number of people are living with blood sugar dysregulation, that has been linked to the obesity epidemic as well as having an effect on many chronic diseases. Insulin dysregulation has also been linked to certain cardio-metabolic diseases; in particular elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition which may start many years before any symptoms become apparent.

Nutritional therapy teaches you how to eat well and balance your blood sugars naturally. It can be highly beneficial following a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis to help you manage your blood sugar levels even better and maintain blood sugar control. Since type 2 diabetes is also associated with weight gain, nutrition may also help you lose body fat and manage your weight more effectively by eating the right foods groups in the right amounts at each meal.

I give you a tailored programme supported with a 7 day personalised food programme as well as recipes and specific handouts to help you on your journey. Many people with Type 2 diabetes benefit greatly from my Renew Reset Recharge Programme.

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