
Renew Reset Recharge® 

Renew Reset Recharge® is my signature health, nutrition and weight loss programme. It has been exclusively designed by myself, drawing my 30 years of nutrition experience, the latest nutritional science, and having worked with over 1000 clients worldwide. The results speak for themselves.  CLICK HERE FOR FULL PROGRAMME DETAILS

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Renew Reset Recharge runs continuously all year round so you can join whenever you choose.


This programme is designed for those who really want to change the way they are eat FOREVER. If you want to:

-ditch bad eating habits permanenty
-reduce the need for snacking
-cut through the confusing information around food

Then this course is for you! It is also a fantastic weight loss programme, and might even help you tackle an underlying health issue.

It is different because it is jam packed wtih recipes, nutrition information, planners, factsheets and progress charts so that you learn the WHY and not just the HOW. You automatically get signed up to 6 weeks of ZOOM of calls with myself. This is a bit like having your own nutritionist on tap.

Renew Reset Recharge(r) is a completely different approach that taps into the unique way we are designed to eat as human beings. It has been created to help you feel amazing, balanced, energised, rejuvenated and refreshed as well as making weight loss easy and maintaining weight simple.

There are many reasons for choosing the Renew Reset Recharge(r) Programme. Some of the main benefits that people have reported include:

*       Weight loss
*       Improved digestive health (IBS, acid reflux, bloating, constipation)
*       Better blood sugar control
*       Immune health
*       Better hormone balance, reduced PMS and menopause symptoms
*       Improved general well-being

Alongside this, people have been:

*       Making long term improvements to their diet and
*       Improving their nutrition knowledge

With Weekly Zoom calls every Wednesday at 12.30pm, you have access to your very own nutritionist, where you can ask questions and deepen your knowledge.

If you would like to personalise the programme to you – then why not add on a power hour too. This is a personalised nutrition consultation to help tailor your plan to YOU. Genius.

Here are a few things people have said about the programme.

Renew Reset Recharge(r) was completely plain sailing! My energy levels came back straight away, and I have lost 8Kg (17lb)! I feel absolutely fantastic. (Taina)

I have tried various diets in the past but Renew Reset Recharge(r) is AMAZING! Such a simple programme with a massive impact.’ (Gemma)

‘Dominique’s weekly ZOOM meetings are GENIUS! if you want to change bad habits, feel lighter and more balanced, then this programme is for you. You will LOVE it! (Kerry)



9 Healthy Eating Tips to improve your health and help you feel better.

This ebook cuts through the confusion surrounding food and offers clear cut nutrition advice and healthy eating tips that could make an instant difference to your diet, lifestyle and health. This ebook is easy to follow, simple and gives practical advice. If you are interested in nutrition and would like to learn more about nutrition and health, this 7 page booklet contains everything you need to get started. Nutritionist approved.

Book a FREE Discovery Call HERE

This complimentary zoom call is available for anyone who interested in the Renew Reset Recharge® programme or personalised nutrition consultations.

You may have questions before you join the Renew Reset Recharge® programme, or need help deciding which package is right for you. If so please book a call.

For my 1:1 Nutrition Coaching or Personalised Renew Reset Recharge® Consultations, it is only natural to have lots of questions before working with me. Together we will share a tight bond and are likely to have a close relationship during our time working together, so it makes sense to talk things through and be sure that we are the perfect match for each other. If you would like to find out more, please book a call or contact me direct.


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