Trusted Nutrition Advice
A food plan that delivers on EVERY level!
What is the Triple 30 Plan?
The Triple 30 Plan taps into the latest nutritional science and my own clinical experience. It focuses on optimal protein intake, consuming sufficient fibre, and eating a variety of different plants each week to support our gut health and microbiome. It is the culmination of clinical experience, alongside current health advice and scientific resesarch. I have distilled the information to make it SIMPLE and super-EASY to follow.
The principles of the Triple 30 Plan include:
- 30g of protein per meal*
- 30g of fibre per day*
- 30+ unique plants per week
I have created this 14 day plan, which you can keep forever, to support anyone wishing to improve their health, gain food confidence, increase their repertoire, lose a few pounds, or simply help change the way you eat longer term.
It is a complete stand-alone plan, but also a fantastic follow-on from the Renew Reset Recharge® programme. I have given it a particular emphasis on women’s health. It comes with all the information and recipes you need now, but also has a toolkit so that you can continue to eat this way longer term and really change the way you eat forever.
*Note; all three meals combined will average 90g protein and 30g fibre a day, and you should easily reach your 30 plant points each week. Dominique gives you charts and tables in her toolkit so that you can personalise these amounts to your body.

Principles of Triple 30 Plan – The WHY!

30g Protein per meal
Protein nourishes our body, supports blood sugar control and helps us feel on an even keel. Protein also regulates our appetite, making it so much easier for us to maintain a healthy weight.

30g Fibre a day
Currently in the UK we only consume around 18g of the recommended 30g fibre per day. I make it simple for you to achieve 30g every day without making it complicated.

30+ Plants a week
Eating a wide range of plants increases the diversity of beneficial bacteria in our gut microbiome. Encouraging more strains of bacteria supports not only our gut health, but also our immune system and our overall wellbeing.
This is NOT just another 2-week programme. My approach is to cut through the food confusion to give you a sense of food freedom. I want you to understand how to nourish your body with balanced meals every day, giving you the confidence to continue using these simple principles as a way of life.
I give you a toolkit as well as the recipes, so that you can start using all of my principles with your own recipes, in your own kitchen…with confidence.
Rebalance your meals in a way that helps you feel full up for longer.

Complete Balance
So many recipes and meals we see look delicious, but are not always nutritionally balanced in terms of proteins, fibre, healthy fats and wholefood carbohydrates. This can leave us feeling tired, quickly feeling hungry again, can leave us constantly battling with our weight, and NEVER feeling truly satisfied. Even when we have just eaten a meal.
On Triple 30 you can choose any breakfast, lunch or dinner option and know that they have been created by a NUTRITIONIST and are completely BALANCED for you.
Why did I create it?
Triple 30 was created to keep you full up for longer, support your gut health, reduce cravings and snacking, nourish your body and to help you manage your weight easily. You may also lose some weight on the plan too!
Many of my clients share similar challenges and express a desire for these things:
- More Energy
- Better Hormone Balance
- Better Gut Health
- A Better Relationship with Food – FOOD FREEDOM!
- Easy Weight Management
I wanted to cut through the noise around nutrition and provide the most sensible advice that offers the opportunity to try new recipes and adjust many of your own to create the perfect balance on your plate, without the need for calorie counting or apps. Just plain simplicity. No FUSS.

I want you to feel energised, healthier than ever before, and to show you the power of food for our wellbeing. Many of my female clients report constantly craving sweet foods or snacks. However, when we eat our food in the right proportions, our hunger and satiety mechanisms often reset, keeping us energised, focused, and feeling full for longer, thus spending less time thinking about food.
This is largely due to better blood sugar control and slowing down the speed at which we digest and absorb our food, which has been shown to improve not only energy levels but also weight maintenance and even mood.
- Increase food confidence
- Feel truly satiated
- Reduce food cravings and snacking
Change the way you eat forever
- Reframe your relationship with food
- Support gut health
- Feel inspired
- Eat smarter… not less
- Forget calorie counting
- Eat sufficient protein
- Recipes that deliver on taste and on health
- Feel nourished
What do you receive?
The following is included in the plan:
- Shopping planner
- 2 x 1 week meal planners
- 2 x Recipe books with colour photographs for each recipe in a pdf eBook format and around 50 delicious recipes.
- Nutrition tool-kit explaining the programme with nutrition support.
- Food tables showing you exactly how much protein and fibre are in your everyday foods.
- 1 live ZOOM Group Zoom call with myself where I talk about the programme, every other Monday at 6.00pm GMT – this is also RECORDED and sent to your inbox the following day, so you can listen at your leisure.

Frequently Asked Questions
It is not designed as a weight loss programme, although you may find that your appetite becomes more stable leading to weight loss. My Renew Reset Recharge® Nutrition, Lifestyle and weight loss programme is a more comprehensive 4-week programme which is more suitable if you are looking to reduce your weight.
The plan contains everything from beans, lentils and tofu, fish with smaller small amounts of meat. Many recipes contain yogurt, cheese and eggs. There are a few completely plant-based recipes on the programme, but the majority would require adapting to make them plant-based.
Almost all the recipes are gluten-free or can be made gluten-free easily, for example, by swapping oats for gluten-free oats or by using a gluten-free seeded bread. I have 2 gluten-free bread recipes on the programme.
There is dairy on the programme in the form of yogurt and cheese which appear in quite a few recipes. I do give alternatives; however, the alternatives may be lower in protein.
The LIVE Q+A Sessions will be recorded and sent out via email after the call, in audio and video format.
Absolutely. Lots of the recipes come with a Make 1-Take 1 philosophy so that you naturally have leftovers to take to work, or as a quick lunch the following day.
The plan uses everyday foods but might make you think out of the box with a few novel recipes. There is a shopping list provided with the plan.
Luckily there are no awards for making all of the recipes in 2 weeks. The plan is a toolkit that you can keep for life and follow in your own time. You can slowly work through the plan and you may need to adjust fibre slowly.
In its simplicity, you can choose any breakfast, lunch or dinner and know that you are still following the plan. If you use recipes from the plan daily, you are likely to see the best results.
You receive a nutrition toolkit at the start of the plan which fully explains where the fibre and protein in our food is coming from. You can use this to transform your existing recipes or use as a base for making interesting meals. The tables show you how to top up protein and fibre easily in your meals which should change the way you eat forever. You can keep the recipes forever, download and keep
Triple 30 is a shorter 14-day programme and not as comprehensive as my 28 day Renew Reset Recharge® programme. Triple 30 was created to help you feel better around food, to show you how to manage your diet more easily, improve health and wellbeing and give you information to continue using the principles afterwards.
Renew Reset Recharge® is a nutrition, lifestyle and weight loss programme which is carefully designed to facilitate healthy weight loss which slowly evolves into a forever plan and a delicious way of eating. Anyone who has completed the Renew Reset Recharge® programme would still benefit from the new material in the Triple 30 as it is a natural progression.
Please talk to your GP or health care professional if you are in any doubt before starting the programme. This is extremely important as while I am a nutritionist, I do not know your medical history. Triple 30 is an online group programme and is a general plan for people in good health. Please read the medical disclaimer carefully before purchasing. This programme is a general GUIDE only and is not to be seen as medical advice or personalised nutrition in any way. By enrolling on the programme, you agree that you have fully read, accepted and understood the Terms and Conditions and Medical Disclaimer.
By using any of the services or recommendations offered by Dominique Ludwig Nutrition Limited, you confirm that you have read, understood, and accept, the following Terms and Conditions, Medical Disclaimer also the Terms of use. If you have any health concerns whatsoever, we ask that you consult your doctor or other physician before using any advice given by Dominique Ludwig Nutrition Limited. By following any of our information, courses, eBooks, challenges, social media advice, work published in the media, recorded videos or live sessions (by Zoom or otherwise) or any other information, you understand and agree that neither Dominique Ludwig Nutrition Limited, nor any persons associated with it, have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we share. We accept no responsibility for misuse of data by any third-party organisation using our content, such as, but not limited to You Tube, Google and Zoom.
Unfortunately, because of the downloadable nature of this plan, it is non-refundable.
Rebalance your meals in a way that helps you feel full up for longer.

If your goals are weight loss driven or you feel want more contact time via group Zoom calls, Dominique also offers Renew Reset Recharge® a complete weight loss, lifestyle and nutrition programme all rolled into one.