Metabolic Balance®- How It Works


The following systems are believed to be involved in the success of the Metabolic Balance® nutrition programme.

Insulin control

Insulin is a hormone that is released from the ß-cells in the pancreas when we eat foods containing carbohydrate.  All carbohydrates br800mmeak down into sugar (glucose) during their metabolism, but at different rates, depending on what type of carbohydrate has been eaten.  Sugar can enter the blood freely as its absorption is not regulated, therefore almost all the sugar we consume will enter the bloodstream. Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose to leave the bloodstream and enter our body cells where it is used for energy. The result of this is that blood glucose levels should fall into normal range again between meals. In the western diet, we are consuming more carbohydrates than ever before and it has become a constant struggle to keep blood sugars within a healthy range. Many of us are therefore living on a roller-coaster of blood sugars which can have an enormous impact on our health, weight and well-being. Permanently high or low blood sugars are strongly believed to contribute to diseases, such as: Type 2 diabetes, hormonal imbalances, tiredness, headaches, depression, constipation, cardiovascular disease, gout and rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, when insulin levels are high, the body is programmed to store excess fat which can lead to weigh gain. Metabolic Balance® uses only carbohydrates that break down slowly, therefore preventing a rush of glucose into the bloodstream which can help to stabilise blood sugars, insulin, weight and hormones. Controlling blood glucose levels through Metabolic Balance® can have a very positive effect on those suffering from Type 2 Diabetes


Hormone balance® is often improved during Metabolic Balance®. Although many factors are thought to be involved, it is believed that reduced insulin levels result in a balancing effect on many other hormones in the body. The following hormones, in particular are believed to play a role in the success of Metabolic Balance®.






Diets rich in processed or refined carbohydrates, dairy, processed foods, high proteins diets, alcohol, coffee or even too much stress can lead to our body becoming over-acidic. This can carry with it a number of health problems as an over-acidic state pushes the body into using its own alkalising minerals not only from bones and joint tissue, but also the nails and hair to neutralise this acidity. Living with a body with a low pH has been implicated with conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis, gout, kidney damage, hair loss, chronic fatigue and cellulitis. Metabolic Balance® is an alkalising nutrition plan. It is not a high protein diet, but instead a medium protein diet which has been calculated to your unique requirement.  Protein containing foods are catagorised into high and low biological value.  This is the scale that looks at how many of the 8 essential amino acids a food contains. To be useful in the body, the body requires all 8 amino acids to be present at virtually identical levels. Eating lots of low quality proteins foods, where certain amino acids are low, means that body is unable to use the proteins which can lead to a build-up of uric acid in the body. Despite containing protein at every meal the amount of protein on Metabolic Balance® is kept to an optimal level of around 0.8-1.2g / Kg body weight. In addition, the proteins recommended are of a high biological value. This means that the body can use almost all of the protein eaten so that wastage and acidity are low. In addition, proteins are not mixed at meals which will further decrease wastage. The mandatory vegetable and fruit allowance on Metabolic Balance® acts as an alkalising buffer against acid build up.

Fat Burn

Science is now slowly turning its back on the ‘eating little and often’ approach as a way of losing weight. Leaving sufficient gaps between meals forces the body to seek energy from sources other than food, i.e. the body’s own fat stores. Fat stores are only intended to be a short term depot rather than a long term nuisance. Many people find themselves eating and drinking calories frequently during the day. Each time we put food in our mouth we produce insulin which can promote fat storage in our body. This is believed to interrupt the natural fat burn cycle leading, in the long term, to increased weight gain and obesity.

Water intake

Metabolic Balance® encourages us to drink sufficient water. We lose water daily through our urine, faeces, lungs and sweat. Metabolic Balance® recommends 35ml per Kg body weight pure water or around 2.5 litres daily. Teas, coffee or sugar-free drinks do not contribute to this amount. Not only is detoxification and weight loss enhanced when sufficient water is imbibed, but many participants also swear by the improvement to their skin tone.

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