Medical Disclaimer


Nutritional Advice

  1. Dominique Ludwig Nutrition (“DLN”) also registered as Nutrition Works has devised a nutrition programme, known as Renew Reset Recharge® and Food Freedom. Dominique Ludwig Nutrition and Renew Reset Recharge® and Food Freedom (“we”) provide dietary and well-being information for use as information or for educational purposes. We provide the information on (“the websites”) and as well as with and with whom we are affiliated.
  2. Dominique Ludwig Nutrition (“DLN”) who devised the nutritional programme entitled Renew Reset Recharge® which is also affiliated with Blessed Yoga Limited (“Blessed”) for the Transform Now TM, 28 day programme that combines the rigour of daily yoga and mentoring with nutritional advice. Dominique works as a Registered Nutritionist MBANT and Nutritionist MSc. DLN provide dietary and well-being information for use as information or for educational purposes. The information is principally provided on the following websites and / Extracts of DLN’s nutritional advice and/or testimonials are also included from time to time on and/or its founder’s personal website, All the foregoing website are referred to collectively as the “websites”.
  3. By purchasing RenewResetRecharge®, Food Freedom, the 5 day Fibre challenge or Plant Based Living material you agree to these terms and conditions that govern all nutritional aspects of the Renew Reset Recharge®, Food Freedom, 5 Day Fibre Challenge, PLant Based Living, and you represent that you have read and understood them. If you have any questions please raise these with Dominique Ludwig Nutrition before you start.
  4. The information contained on the websites and the resources available for download through any of them (such as without limit handouts, information or any part of Renew Reset Recharge®, Food Freedom, 5 Day Fibre Challenge, Plant Based Living or any other Nutrition information sold on are not intended to be, and shall not be understood or construed as, individual professional health advice.
    Neither DLN nor Blessed represent to you that any nutritional advice offered as part of Renew Reset Recharge®, Food Freedom, 5 Day Fibre Challenge, Plant Based Living  or Transform Now TM is suited to your specific health needs and it is not a substitute or alternative for medical advice. All information is given as general information only and you agree to take full responsibility for your health and wellbeing and your decision to follow the nutritional content is entirely at your own risk.If you have any specific health concerns that directly or indirectly affect your nutritional demands and resilience to dietary change then you must ask your doctor to consider the nutritional advice being offered as part of Renew Reset Recharge®, Food Freedom, 5 Day Fibre Challenge, Plant Based Living and Transform Now (whether via the websites, specific course content or otherwise) and your doctor will advise what is appropriate and safe for your particular circumstances.Use at Your Own Risk:
    Any action you take based on the information provided on this website is at your own risk. You understand that the information is provided on an “as-is” basis, and the owner and authors of Dominique Ludwig Nutrition do not assume liability for any outcomes resulting from your reliance on this information.
  1. Specifically but without limit to the above, you should not take part in any programme if you are under the age of 18, have an eating disorder of any kind, are pregnant or breastfeeding or are undergoing treatment for cancer, liver, heart of renal disease. If you have Type 1 or 2 diabetes and take medications for this or are taking medications for any other condition please also consult your doctor before starting the programme.
  2. Any advice given on the websites, advertising, playbook or any other information source connected with Renew Reset Recharge® and/or Transform Now TM,  5 Day Fibre Challenge, Plant Based Living  is not designed to diagnose, cure or treat any illness. It is general advice only and is intended for people in good health.
  3. Any EBooks, nutritional material or advice downloaded from the DLN website is GENERAL advice only and you should speak to your GP or your health care professionals before making any changes to your diet or when taking supplements which may have contraindications.
  4. Do not change or stop any medication you are taking without the consent of your doctor and check with your doctor before adding in any supplements you may read about on any of the websites. Supplements, like medications can have contraindications.
  5. All reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the nutritional information offered as part of Renew Reset Recharge®, (or which is otherwise available to you as part Transform Now TM programme or via the websites), Food Freedom or Plant Based Living, is correct and up-to-date and reflects a reasoned view.
  6. Neither of DLN, Blessed and/or any person working with them (collectively “we”) shall be liable to you for any consequences which you allege to flow from the nutritional content offered in Renew Reset Recharge® or Transform Now TM, Food Freedom or Plant Based Living on the websites and/or by another means howsoever. We do not take any responsibility for your healthcare as the nutritional content is a generalised food programme and cannot be personalised in an online setting as that being offered as part of the FOod Freedom, Plant Based Living,  Renew Reset Recharge® or Transform Now TM programmes. Any advice given, either written or verbally, will only ever be generalised and not specific to an individual’s personal needs. By taking part in Renew Reset Recharge® , Food Freedom, The 5 day Fibre Challenge or Plant Based Living, you agree to take full responsibility for yourself and your health, if any doubt you should not participate in Renew Reset Recharge® , Food Freedom, The 5 day Fibre Challenge or Plant Based Living or Transform Now TM programmes. You agree that we shall not be liable to you for any type of loss, including direct and indirect losses alleged by you to following the nutritional content offered in Renew Reset Recharge® , Food Freedom, The 5 day Fibre Challenge or Plant Based Living and Transform Now TM or take advice from any material sold on
  7. You acknowledge that by taking part in the Renew Reset Recharge® , Food Freedom, The 5 day Fibre Challenge or Plant Based Livingprogramme there is no professional-client relationship between you and Dominique Ludwig and/or Blessed.
  8. Renew Reset Recharge® , Food Freedom, The 5 day Fibre Challenge or Plant Based Living may change its format, pricing, zoom availability over time depending on market needs. The programme may be subject to change at any time.
  9. Endorsements mentioned on the websites, social media or with any of DLN, Renew Reset Recharge®, Food Freedom, The 5 day Fibre Challenge or Plant Based Livingand/or Blessed are provided in goodwill and will no affiliations owed to particular companies. Certain food recommendations, such as protein powders may have a commission attached. It is up to you to make your own determination about any products, services, coach, consultant or experts or where to purchase.
  10. You may find client testimonials on any of the websites concerning the nutritional impact of products and services offered by DLN via Renew Reset Recharge® , Food Freedom, The 5 day Fibre Challenge or Plant Based Living and/or Transform Now TM. The testimonials are actual statements made by clients and/or customers and represent their content accurately. You acknowledge that the testimonials concern individual reactions to nutritional change and are not a guarantee of results.
  11. The parties to this agreement shall be you, Dominique Ludwig Nutrition, Blessed Yoga Limited Dominique Ludwig, and all of their respective directors and employees. The effective date of this agreement shall be the date you acknowledge and agree the terms by clicking on the website.
  12. Governing Law:These terms and conditions are subject to English Law.
    These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the United Kingdom.
    By using our website and services, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using our website.

Medical Disclaimer for Group Zoom Calls – Renew Reset Recharge® Programme/ Food Freedom

The information provided during our group Zoom calls as part of the nutrition programme is intended for general educational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice or a substitute for professional healthcare guidance. The nutrition recommendations, dietary advice, and discussions presented are meant to offer general insights into nutrition and wellness topics.

Please note the following:

  1. Not Professional Medical Advice: The content shared during these Zoom calls is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition or treatment plan.
  2. Personal Responsibility: Any actions or decisions you make based on the information provided during these sessions are taken at your own risk. It is essential to consult a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or supplementation routine.
  3. Supplements: Any mention of supplements is general in nature and does not constitute a recommendation for their use. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, as certain supplements may interact with medications or have adverse effects.
  4. Variability: Individual responses to dietary changes, supplements, and lifestyle modifications can vary widely. The information provided during these sessions may not be suitable for everyone. Always consider your personal health status, medical history, and individual needs when applying any recommendations.
  5. No Nutritionist-Client Relationship: Participation in these group Zoom calls does not establish a Nutritionist-Client relationship with the facilitator or any other participant. The facilitator is not providing personalised medical advice. A client relationship can only be formed for 1:1 personalised nutrition consultations with Dominique Ludwig.

By participating in our group Zoom calls, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms outlined in this disclaimer. Any reliance on the information shared is done at your own discretion and risk.

If you experience any medical concerns or emergencies, please promptly contact a qualified healthcare professional or seek medical attention.

For personalised medical advice or treatment recommendations, it is recommended to consult a licensed healthcare provider.


The following medical disclaimer is intended to provide important information regarding the nutrition programme/challenge you are about to undertake. It is crucial to understand and acknowledge the limitations and potential risks associated with any dietary or nutritional plan. Please read the following disclaimer carefully:

1. If you have any health concerns whatsoever, we ask that you consult your doctor or other physician before starting the fibre challenge. If you have been advised to follow a low fibre of low residue diet for a health condition, this challenge would not be suitable for you.

2. Not a Substitute for Medical Advice: The nutrition programme/challenge
provided is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is designed solely for informational purposes. Before starting any new diet or exercise regimen, consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as a physician, to ensure it is appropriate for your individual circumstances.

3. Individual Variation: Every individual’s body is unique, and the results and outcomes of the nutrition programme/challenge may vary from person to person. The information provided is not a guarantee of specific results. Factors such as genetics, current health conditions, medications, and overall lifestyle can influence the effectiveness of the program.

4. Potential Risks: While the nutrition programme/challenge aims to promote overall health and well-being, there may be potential risks or side effects associated with certain dietary changes or specific ingredients. Any changes to your diet should be undertaken at your own risk. If you experience any adverse effects, discontinue the programme and consult a healthcare professional immediately.

5. Allergies and Sensitivities: It is essential to be aware of any known allergies or food sensitivities you may have before participating in the nutrition program/challenge. The program may include ingredients that could trigger allergic reactions or adverse health effects. Always read product labels and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

6. Pre-existing Conditions: If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, including but not limited to diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, or eating disorders, consult with your healthcare provider before starting the nutrition programme/challenge. Modifications or alterations to the programme may be necessary to ensure your safety and well-being.
7. Children under the age of 18, pregnant women or anyone undergoing medical treatment should also not complete the challenge.
8. Personal Responsibility: By participating in the nutrition program/challenge, you acknowledge that you are doing so voluntarily and at your own risk. Youunderstand that you are solely responsible for your own health and well- being. The programme creators, instructors, and affiliates shall not be held liable for any injuries, illnesses, or damages that may occur as a result of your participation.

9. No Medical Relationship: This nutrition programme/challenge does not establish a doctor-patient or healthcare provider-patient relationship. The information provided does not constitute personalised medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical questions or concerns you may have.

10. We accept no responsibility for misuse of this data by any third-party organisation using this information.

Remember, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle. Your health and safety should always be your top priority.

By participating in the nutrition programme/challenge, you signify your understanding and acceptance of this medical disclaimer.


The following medical disclaimer is intended to provide important information regarding the TRIPLE 30 PLAN, a nutrition programme incorporating both fibre and protein intake. It is crucial to understand and acknowledge the limitations and potential risks associated with any dietary or nutritional plan. Please read the following disclaimer carefully:

  1. Consultation with Healthcare Professional:

1.1. If you have any health concerns whatsoever, we ask that you consult your doctor or other physician before starting the TRIPLE 30 PLAN. If you have been advised to follow a low fibre or low residue diet for a health condition, this plan would NOT be suitable for you.
1.2. If you have any condition that requires a lower protein diet, this plan would not be suitable for you. 

  1. Not a Substitute for Medical Advice:

2.1. The TRIPLE 30 PLAN provided is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is designed solely for informational purposes. Before starting any new diet or exercise regimen, consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as a physician or GP, to ensure it is appropriate for your individual circumstances.

  1. Individual Variation:

3.1. Every individual’s body is unique, and the results and outcomes of the TRIPLE 30 PLAN may vary from person to person. The information provided is not a guarantee of specific results. Factors such as genetics, current health conditions, medications, and overall lifestyle can influence the effectiveness of the program.

  1. Potential Risks:

4.1. While the TRIPLE 30 PLAN aims to promote overall health and well-being, there may be potential risks or side effects associated with certain dietary changes or specific foods. Any changes to your diet should be undertaken at your own risk. If you experience any adverse effects, discontinue the programme and consult a healthcare professional immediately.

  1. Allergies and Sensitivities:

5.1. It is essential to be aware of any known allergies or food sensitivities you may have before participating in the TRIPLE 30 PLAN. The programme may include ingredients that could trigger allergic reactions or adverse health effects. Always read product labels and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

  1. Pre-existing Conditions:

6.1. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, including but not limited to diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, or eating disorders, consult with your healthcare provider before starting the TRIPLE 30 PLAN. Modifications or alterations to the programme may be necessary to ensure your safety and well-being.

  1. Exclusion Criteria:

7.1. Children under the age of 18, pregnant women, or individuals undergoing medical treatment should not undertake the TRIPLE 30 PLAN.

  1. Personal Responsibility:

8.1. By participating in the TRIPLE 30 PLAN, you acknowledge that you are doing so voluntarily and at your own risk. You understand that you are solely responsible for your own health and well-being. The programme creators, instructors, and affiliates shall not be held liable for any injuries, illnesses, or damages that may occur as a result of your participation.

  1. Liability Waiver:

9.1. You agree to waive any claims or liabilities against the programme’s creators, instructors, and affiliates arising from your participation in the TRIPLE 30 PLAN.
The creators, authors, and affiliates of this nutrition programme shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or injuries arising from your participation in the programme or reliance on its content.

9.2. You assume full responsibility for your health and any consequences resulting from your dietary choices and actions taken during the programme.

  1. No Medical Relationship:

10.1. The TRIPLE 30 PLAN does not establish a nutritionist-patient or healthcare provider-patient relationship. The information provided does not constitute personalised medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical questions or concerns you may have.

  1. Third-party Misuse:

11.1. We accept no responsibility for misuse of this data by any third-party organisation using this information.

Remember, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle. Your health and safety should always be your top priority. By participating in the TRIPLE 30 PLAN, you signify your understanding and acceptance of this medical disclaimer with the liability waiver.


  1. 1. Agreement and Acceptance:

Welcome to Dominique Ludwig Nutrition, operated by Dominique Ludwig Nutrition (referred to as “we,” “us,” or “our”). By accessing or using our website [] or any of our services, you agree to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions.

These terms & conditions govern your use of the website and your relationship with Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under the law. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, then please do not use or register with the website. Please note that to use many of the services provided on the website, you are required to register as an authorised user. By using this website, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.


Throughout these terms and conditions, the following apply:

‘We’, ‘us’, ‘Dominique Ludwig’, or ‘the company’ refers to also known as NUTRITION WORKS. ‘You’, ‘the registrant’, ‘the customer’, or ‘the user’ means you, an independent third party. ‘The site’, ‘the website’, ‘this site’, or ‘this website’ means this website which is accessible via and which is owned and administered by ‘Registered details’ are the combination of data stored in the website’s database to identify a user together with any additional user-specific data such as postal address, and other personal details stored for the purposes of processing orders from that user via the website. ‘User’ is the individual seeking to use or using the website. ‘Username’ is the name chosen by a user to identify that user to the website. ‘Password’ is the series of characters known only to the user that, together with the corresponding username, provides access to the website. ‘VAT’ means value added tax, chargeable by on behalf of HM Revenue and Customs.

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To register on this site, you have to be over 18 years of age and you must ensure that the details that you provide are accurate and complete. You agree that you will keep those details accurate and complete at all times. When you register on the website, you will be asked to create or submit a password. You agree to keep this password confidential and that you will not disclose it to, or share it with, anyone. You are entirely responsible for all activities and orders that occur or are submitted using your registered details, so if you discover or suspect that someone else knows your password you should notify us by contacting us immediately. If we suspect that there has been, or is likely to be, a breach of security or misuse of the site by you or someone using your registered details, we may require you to change your password or we may suspend your account. If we believe that you have breached any of these terms and conditions, or are in breach of your obligations under them, we reserve the right to suspend or cancel access to your account for an indefinite period.

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Once an order is placed on this website, we will send you an email confirming the details of that order and acknowledging its receipt by us. The details of this confirmation email must be checked by you in order to make sure they are correct and a copy should be printed and saved by you for reference purposes. The sending of a confirmation email by us is an acceptance by of your offer to buy the goods or services specified within it from us, irrespective of whether or not a confirmation email is received by you.

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Your privacy is important to us. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. By using our website and services, you consent to our privacy practices as outlined in the Privacy Policy.

Tax and Duties

All goods and services supplied by us may be subject to VAT at the prevailing rate which is payable at the time of purchase. Any purchase that requires delivery outside of the European Union is exempt from VAT but may be subject to additional charges and duties, the cost of which will be borne by you. do not accept any responsibility for such charges or taxes.

Consumer Protection Law try to ensure that all specifications, pictures and descriptions of the products, goods and services are as accurate as possible. However, please note that the reproduction of the colour of our products may vary from the way that they appear on screen. Additionally, we try to make sure that we photograph every item that is offered for sale on the website but occasionally we may display a picture which is representative of, or indicative of the advertised item but which is not a photograph of the item itself. This is only ever done using a very similar product from the same manufacturer (generally an identical product but of a different size).

We attempt to adhere as accurately as possible to published dimensions or the dimensions specified by you, the customer. However, all dimensions are approximate.

Use of Content:

The content on is for personal and non-commercial use only. You may not reproduce, distribute, modify, or create derivative works based on our content without explicit written permission from Dominique Ludwig Nutrition.

Limitation of Liability:

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the content on our website. You agree that your use of our services is at your own risk.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

All content on our website, including text, images, videos, and graphics, is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. The content is the property of Dominique Ludwig Nutrition unless otherwise indicated.

The entire content of the website is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights including database and trademarks and is the property of or the respective copyright owners. You may therefore access, retrieve and display the content on a computer screen and store it in electronic form or print a single copy for your own use, provided that such use is personal and not for commercial gain and provided also that you retain all copyright notices unmodified. You may not store the content on a server or other network storage device and you may not reproduce, whether in its original form nor any edited or modified form, any of the content on the website without prior written permission from respects the intellectual property rights of others. The company will not knowingly, intentionally or wilfully reproduce, display or sell any unlicensed prints, images, photographs or original art; we reserve the right to request proof of ownership or rights to artwork or content.

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Changes to Terms:

We reserve the right to modify or update these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to review the terms periodically.

Personal Responsibility:

You acknowledge that any actions you take based on the information provided on our website are your sole responsibility. We do not assume liability for any outcomes resulting from your use of our content or services.

Third-Party Links:

Our website may contain links to third-party websites. These links are provided for convenience and do not imply endorsement or association with those sites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of external websites.

Prohibited Use of the Website:

You may not use this website,, for any unlawful, fraudulent, or malicious purpose. Specifically, you are prohibited from engaging in activities that violate applicable laws, infringe upon intellectual property rights, compromise the security of the website, or disrupt its functionality. Additionally, any form of unauthorised data collection, distribution of harmful content, or impersonation is strictly prohibited. By accessing and using this website, you agree to adhere to these restrictions and refrain from any activity that could compromise its integrity, security, or intended functionality.

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Governing Law:

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the United Kingdom. By using our website and services, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using our website.

Contact Information:

For questions or concerns about these terms and conditions or any other aspect of our services, please contact us at


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