Cauliflower and Chickpea Curry with Broccoli Rice

Cauliflower and Chickpea Curry with Broccoli Rice

Cauliflower and Chickpea Curry with Broccoli Rice, serves 4-6.

I just love this recipe, but probably the main reason is because it contains around 500g of veggies per portion. It also contains good amounts of plant proteins (around 18g protein per serve), 300mg calcium ( if using cow’s yogurt), 7mg iron and a whopping 20g fibre per serve! That is the amount of fibre currently consumed by the average person living in the UK per day, but this is in just one meal! Warning: this super-healthy lunch may well stop you snacking all afternoon!
To start cooking download the recipe for free.  CLICK HERE

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Dominique Ludwig

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